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addi - Ewenicorn - 24" Circular - 115

by addi
Item Size Price Qty
ADUFC24-0 US 0 2.00mm

from $15.50

Current price $15.50

ADUFC24-01 US 1 2.50mm

from $15.50

Current price $15.50

ADUFC24-02 US 2 3.00mm

from $15.50

Current price $15.50

ADUFC24-03 US 3 3.25mm

from $15.50

Current price $15.50

ADUFC24-04 US 4 3.50mm

from $15.50

Current price $15.50

ADUFC24-05 US 5 3.75mm

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

ADUFC24-06 US 6 4.00mm

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

ADUFC24-07 US 7 4.50mm

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

ADUFC24-08 US 8 5.00mm

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

ADUFC24-09 US 9 5.50mm

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

ADUFC24-10 US 10 6.00mm

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

ADUFC24-10.5 US 10.5 6.50mm

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

ADUFC24-10.75 US 10.75 7.00mm

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

ADUFC24-11 US 11 8.00mm

from $23.00

Current price $23.00

  • Fun new Addi Ewenicorn needles are shaped just like a unicorn's horn.       

  • Their gentle twist is more than just playful - they're easier to hold than standard needles, so you have less pressure in your hands as you knit. 

  • The tip is the same as you'd find on the regular Addi Turbo needles. 

  • The soft pink cord adds to the appeal of these special limited edition needles. 

  • Treat yourself to a set while they last.