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Lantern Moon - Tape Measures

Item Size Price Qty
LM350631 Sock Monkey

from $25.00

Current price $25.00

LM350632 Merino White Sheep

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

LM350633 Woolly Grey Sheep

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

LM350634 Black Sheep

from $18.00

Current price $18.00

LM350635 Blue Fish

from $25.00

Current price $25.00

LM350636 Ladybug

from $25.00

Current price $25.00

LM350637 Happy Flower

from $25.00

Current price $25.00

  • Available in several adorable designs, these retractable tape measures are 5 feet long
  • US custom on one side, metric on the other
  • Take your choice of color sheep, happy sunflower, blue fish, ladybug, or sock monkey
  • Fish, flower, lady bug, and sock monkey are all hand-crocheted and sure to make you smile as you measure your work.